Thursday, March 19, 2009 Y 9:19 PM Hellooo Went out with gg today. "I had a really fun day" quote. Anyway, i think i've been not at home too much this week with choir and all. I havn't done any work at all seriously. At first i thought there was nothing to do y'know. So i was like, Iva, what homework do we have ah? Iva goes, blah blah and blah. Me: okay so thats all? Iva: blah and blah and this and blah and this and blah and this. THATS ALL?! Me: uh, so is that.. Iva: wait still got this and blah and blah. Me: right. i havnt even done philo FA D: oops. Monday, March 16, 2009 Y 10:48 PM Today, had choir prac early in the morning so had to take MRT early in the morning. I hate doing that cause it's so cold, and you need to stand, and everyone is pushing you. Anyway, okay so i was supposed to meet janelle at orchard mrt at 7.30 to go school. So, at 7.35 when i reach orchard, im thinking "oh man im quite late, aiyah but she's going to be later so nevermind. But better hurry". Then at 7.40 i get a sms from her "i just missed the train." Im like OKAY she better have wanted to send that half an hour ago but just forgot to send it, or maybe just MAYBE she sent it to the wrong person, or maybe she missed the STOP and not the train. So, then while waiting like a cold shivering loner at the platform, i get a call from janelle. janelle: VARSHAA! me: JANELLE WHERE ARE YOU! PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE NEAR ORCHARD (I SHOULD HAVE SAID PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE NEAR YCK) janelle: i took the wrong train D: i took the train towards jurong east! me: 0.0 you suckkkk! WHERE ARE YOU NOWWW. janelle: at khatib. me: YOU SUCKKKK. janelle: you know i waited for the train so long. The correct train was infront of me ALL this time, but then i waited for the other one, and i was like why that train come so many times and my one never come! so embarrassing me: i feel embarrassed FOR YOU. hurry up! she is such a janelle. (when that happened to me ONCE, only, haha i just pretended that i meant to take the train the other way) ANYWAY, im very tired now and the only reason i blogger was because of this. ?? says: your blog is more interesting than xiaxue's ?? says: i really hate to say that but yeah its true ?? says: hahaha ?? says: happy? varsha says: HAHAHA THANK YOU (: (: and when i was coming home on the mrt today, i sat down and i dozed off and my head kept rolling so many times; i kept banging to the person next to me. I bet she thought i was having fits or something D: Anyway, also HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHI HUI! :D sorry about smsing your mum haha. Sunday, March 15, 2009 Y 8:51 PM Well i havn't updated in a long long time. okay let me start from Founders day. 060309 Words really cannot express how awesome founders day was. I think it all began when it was announced that founders day would be at night. Firstly, it wouldn't be in the morning, (like SLI cough cough) where everyone will be dying in the hot sun, tearing pages out of the programme booklets and using them to fan themselves. It was really great in the sense that the atmosphere was so nice, the cool breeze, the night sky, the pretty spotlights and the mist added to the ambience of the greatest founders day i've ever had. Well, my founders day was spent with RGchoir and although i would have loved to have sat with my class and experience the concert in the amphi, im not complaining because i can say that my founders day experience was well spent with my batch and juniors. Choir seemed really unnecessary though and after singing the school song, i definitely heard people go "HUH THATS ALL? Sing school song only?" but whatever haha cause we were provided with FOOD and as janelle says, that definitely makes this the best founders day ever. We took awesome pictures (both bero and batch) that sheena has to send me. Above all, im proud to say this is the first founders day that i've actually felt like cheering and been proud to be a part of this night. Sheena, janelle, shze, chloe and me totally went high cheering and doing the awesomest RG kallang wave ever (or the only one for that matter) and we wished the cheering would never stop cause who knows when we'll feel like doing cheers again haha. After founders day, my awesome batch had a busking session and even though we have only one completely mastered original call-it-our-own song, im glad that the song is SOMEWHERE OUT THERE cause it just brings back great memories and all the times where we couldn't find the right song to sing and so just stuck with singing this song. Everytime we sing this, no matter how weird the chords we sing are (especially at the "when the night wind starts to sing a..."), it just makes me feel like wow, I don't know how to say it. It's the kind of feeling you get that you don't know how to express and you just end up smiling to yourself looking like all weird. AHAH appassionata you rock my socks. Love you retardophiles muchly. 070309 In the morning i watched slumdog millionare. It feels good to say this cause half the people wrote on their blogs that they SNEAKED into slumdog and it feels good to say I WATCHED IT legally. AHA. Anyway, it's a GREAT MOVIE seriously. One of the better ones i've watched in a long time and the soundtrack is awesome as well. But GV at plaza sing is super strict. They checked our ICs like TWICE. And the second time while entering the theatre, the guy was like "can i have your IC?" and i felt like asking, "can i have YOUR ic?!" cause he looked like FIFTEEN?! Is it even legal to check people's ics at that age?! Anyways. The movie was so feel good and real. The children were so innocent and the soundtrack was amazing. And i HEART dev patel's accent. He kept losing his "indian accent" halfway to his british accent and im like ah haha. and i LOVE latika's theme song LOADS. Then, at night was homecoming so had to rush back to school for choir prac then the singing school song at the gallery (oh no bad speech day memories). Appassionata busked somemore in the staircase area until someone i think asked us to keep quiet esp singing itsuki since half of us didn't know out parts haha. Anyway, chloe if i know i looked down but it was not because it was one of our last performances or whatever, cause you were right; it wasn't even a performance and i think that was a stupid excuse. Well, later camwhored unglamly in the choir room and then had dinner with sheena, jovina and chloe. THANKS for cheering me up guys haha. Especially chloe, who obviously thought that that night was a probably a dream so she could do everything possible to embarrass herself cause she would wake up any moment, anyway. HAH I BET SHE GOT A SHOCK WHEN SHE WOKE UP. She and her muttons. 090309-120309 LJ week. HAHA i thought JTC was quite cool, especially the "SWAMP" area haha. I think mrs moh was very amused. On thursday had technicals with Alto twos. Beros im so proud of how much you all have improved during choir pracs and im really really not sure it was cause of my technicals. But im glad y'all have improved so much especially when chloe told me on saturday how much you guys sounded good. So good job love y'all. Anyway, had cmps meeting after JTC and then had to rush for technicals. I really don't think i know how to conduct technicals cause it just ends up being some retard session which is not how it should be. Emeline's right, i need to stop giving in to weird temptations sigh. Stayed back until like 6.45 talking to retarded juniors with sheena. They are very amusing haha. And they find my question mark tamil compo amusing. One day i'll scan my tamil compo and show y'all. Can laugh all you want D: I knew from the start what you were thinking but i was quite surprised you confided in me and im glad you did. Like i told you, it will all work out in the end. 130309 Had technicals in the morning again with alto twos and this session was more productive i felt. I can hear improvement in every single voice and its really great to see your progress. Me and shze were like WOW ____ can sing! anyways had MARY TAN again. no comments. I think my section rocks lah. They make me laugh even when im so stressed. There was no auditions after all. After choir, went canteen to eat our muffins for lunch with janelle. I think talking to her makes me stupider every second haha. I don't want to blog about what happened cause she's gonna make me take it down anyway so i'll just upload a video. i came up with the theory that RGS girls have no life; even a pigeon eating is amusing. And she then goes "quite fun what!" haha epic. Then i had LOADS of CMPS stuff to do cause of my breakfast the next day so i had to do a lot of stuff before RJCHORALE concert. So, we went to class to use the computer. Anyway, while i was doing stuff she started to paint haha. "Art" of an aspiring artist. -photo- ![]() Awesome transformation huh. We had a paint fight and ended up looking like 2 hobos going for a hobos convention. This is what im talking about. In 1900, the town fathers of Britt, Iowa invited Tourist Union #63 to bring their annual convention to town, and the National Hobo Convention has been held each year in early to mid August ever since. Hobos stay in the "Hobo Jungle" telling stories around campfires at night. A hobo king and queen are named each year and get to ride on special floats in the Hobo Day parade. That's janelle's wikipedia definition. Anyway, we left late so we had no time for dinner. We rushed into the bus and mrt like kiasu aunties and ran from the mrt to RJ. Met renci at the mrt and didn't hear her when she called my name. So when i turned around, i suddenly saw janelle stop and i was like WHAT IS SHE DOING. I was like Me: Janelle, NO TIME FOR CHIT CHAT! -just notices renci- OH HEYYY RENCI. Then i was like THIS CLOSE to stopping and talking and then i was like WAIT WE'RE LATE. Janelle (in between pants): Renci! your 16 door thing..16 DOOR thing was correct! Renci: 0.0 what?
Her expression was priceless. Me: WE'LL EXPLAIN LATER. JANELLE LETS GOO! Then we continue running. Suddenly i realise we forgot flowers. We both go "PLUCK!!" Then i plucked some bouganvillas and janelle plucked a twig and we continued running. Me: OH NO I THINK I DROPPED THE FLOWER!! Janelle: AIYAH NO CHOICE. pluck GRASS LAHH PLUCK. HAHA thinking about the situation now, i feel so retarded. We were like running with our school bags, all hungry and sweaty and tired. When we finally reached RJ, we were late so the clone didn't let us go in D: So we were stuck outside and missed the WHOLE OF THE FIRST FIVE SONGS D: so depressing. We looked so sad sitting outside with like many other late people. And i seriously wanted to puke. I swear in my mind i was coming up with ways to get in. Fainting was the top of my list. Anyway, im sorry we missed the repertoire pats. I guess it was kinda my fault (dahil sayo) even though you did more "painting" than anything else, so thanks for staying back with me anyway! When we finally got to go in, we sat with amanda, ariel and dionne cause those were the only people we could find at that time. The concert was pretty good and i think some of the solos were AWESOME. And as usual beatboxing makes up much of the busking. Overall, i think they did well, but i can't say considering we missed the repertoire ): Anyway, after the concert we went to see the seniors and you should have seen sam's face when we gave her the bouganvilla. It was all like "I HATE YOU" and it was funny how she was waving her twig around. But in the end we gave her a nice nice flower and Watching them perform made me wonder whether i want to do that next year. Hmm i don't think i WANT to do that next year but if i have no other choice, i think i wouldn't mind it esp since some of my batch wants to do it as well. 140309 Reached school SUPER early at like 6.50 to set up the CLC. I thought it was overall a good job considering that my expectations were like zero. The feedback was better than expected and most had a good time. I read in a blog: "Saturday, March 14, 2009 Breakfast with Olympians I went for Breakfast with Olympians @ CLC @ 8 a.m. today which I paid $4 for...Overall my morning was well spent!" Anyway, i know it was a really important deal and all, and im really sorry if i messed up some bits but there was no need to be so . Seriously, everyone was tired and busy and this was supposed to be a learning experience. I just felt very disappointed. I went home and i slept from 5pm to 9am the next day. Im like pig in-the-making. Well, speaking of which, i missed auditions but i heard alto twos you guys did well. Im so proud that you all managed your emotions well . Although i would have loved to have been there too, im so proud of y'all. I think i've said this MANY TIMES. 150309 Had concert in the evening. I totally forgot about it until people started smsing me about it and i was like PANIC. Was supposed to meet chloe at Raffles place at 4.45 but i ended up leaving my house at like 4.30 D: I reached redhill at like 4.50 and realised there was no time to take mrt anymore, so rushed out of the train and took a cab. When a cab finally stopped, i swung open the door and it banged against the railing and the uncle was like "GIRL AH SLOWLY LAH. WHERE YOU RUSHING?! YOU BANG THE DOOR THEN I NEED TO FIX YOU KNOW! where you rushing?!" then i was like "UNCLE LATE FOR CONCERT! at VCH, drive the FASTEST WAY" But there was no POINT cause i was late anyway. So, i missed the first song, which was probably a good thing cause the concert was pretty boring. But i wasn't the only one haha. Grace, peixin, mich tan and me were all late and we were like so pissed that we were late ahaha. The ushers were accidentally opened the doors for awhile and many people gushed in but they suddenly closed the door and we were still trapped outside. Finally managed to go in and i anyhow sat next to chloe, peixin and later shan jee. Anyway, i guess it was pretty okay, other than the irritating anal guy who kept sushing us from infront. Well, so thats the update for 2 weeks. There's choir tomorrow. Sunday, March 01, 2009 Y 1:25 PM i love my email. aditi. says: like you know aditi. says: HOW IS 38 RELATED TO YOU aditi. says: you're 38 ears old. varsha says: uh yeah secretly. aditi. says: i mean 38 years old. aditi. says: you created your account on the 3rd of august aditi. says: or 8th of march.. varsha says: haha THINKING OUT OF THE BOX not bad varsha says: but wrong. aditi. says: umm you're secretly born on the 3rd of aug aditi. says: 8 = 4 + 1 + 3 aditi. says: YOU LIVE ON THE 38TH FLOOR aditi. says: or your mom was 38 when you made your account aditi. says: cuz your mom helped you make it so you wanted to remember her in your email varsha says: "cuz your mom helped you make it so you wanted to remember her in your email" hah i like this one aditi. says: 8 = 4 [the day you're born] + 1 [the first number of 1993] + 3 [the last number of 1993] aditi. says: and then the 3 in 38 obviously stands for march varsha says: i think you think im very smart or something -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- keep trying man. haha she's too free i think. Y 12:18 AM haha i just came here to write HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH NISA! thanks for being a great friend for the past two years now. love ya loads even though you are always so mean to me ): its been a really fun time. Like i really love playing truth and dare with you guys and realising stuff that i never knew before haha (we should do that again) thanks for putting up with me even though i get annoying (sometimes) and making me laugh when im sad. Anyway, i know i threatened i won't get you a birthday present and you said if i dont get you one on monday, you'll throw the present you SHOULD HAVE GOT for me away. haha i probably wont have a present for you on monday, but i can give you back the pen i stole from you. ANYWAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAVE A GREAT DAY TOMORROW (mugging)!
colourful Hello. I'm varsha 040393 ex-rulangnite rafflesian 6R'05 103'06 203'07 305'08 405'09 choir hadlien ongoing ESCAPADES from rps- amelia cassandra chester danqiong fangying jin Fu lay Ching lin wen priscilla shan jee sharon shiqi stephenie yiling yimeng ying xiang yulin from rgs- aditi angela anu ashlynna bzzz ♥ charlene claudia cheowying emily grace huan ying huiqing hui ying ivalyn jiaying joy kang jie kathy + pris kelly kexin krystal leena miin peixin pristine priya D rachel renci ria ser gin shamaine shi hui siti tze gek vithya yan lin yiyang yun shu yuxi yvonne zhen ling 103 305 FTW fc from choir- amanda chanel chloe?! bianche catherine chanel chengyi emeline en ting fiona geetha giovanni grace kong grace tan jacqueline jodyn jovina kimberly may michelle tan michelle wang peiying priscilla yong reetaza samantha shiao yen shze hui sixuan sneha stacey stefanie suet ping weiling zong min PSLs '06 - chao ying cheryl debbie shihua xiao di into the past -June 2006 -July 2006 -August 2006 -January 2007 -February 2007 -August 2007 -October 2007 -November 2007 -December 2007 -January 2008 -March 2008 -May 2008 -June 2008 -July 2008 -August 2008 -October 2008 -December 2008 -January 2009 -February 2009 -March 2009 -September 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket designer: /♥s}summerkisses} |